Monday, June 8, 2015


Hi all. Thought I'd post up a short update on how I am getting along these days with my training and my lumbar issues.

Overall, things continue to go well.  The leg pain, burning and numbness that I endured for a year and a half has not returned, fortunately, and though I do have occasional nerve twinges in the hip (that don't extend past my left glute), I'm not 100% sure that those are actually from my L5 nerve root vs. the L4 nerve root (where I have a small disc bulge as well).  Overall, those are fairly minor and do not impact walking, running, dancing, training, etc.

I am still being careful with CrossFit loading and volume, and I am not Rx'ing every WOD, to be sure.  I have continued to focus on really good technique and form, and only go heavy in low-volume strength work.  I rarely deadlift right now, and I don't think I'm suffering for it.  Since it tends to induce higher lumbar shear stresses, I'm OK avoiding it for the most part since I am retaining posterior chain strength via squatting, kettlebell swings, weighted glute bridges and also via some olympic lifts - cleans, snatches.  My clean and jerk is about 25# below my all-time PR, and I don't see any big reason to push it, and recently I snatched 155#, about 10# below my all-time PR.  I'm good with those numbers for the moment, and most importantly, they haven't caused me new pain.

I still hammer my core with planks, weighted planks, suitcase (kettlebell) carries, Chinese bridges, glute bridges, bird-dogs, etc. and I think it really helps to maintain the lumbar stability, especially post laminectomy.  I continue to avoid sit-ups and most flexion-based movements except for on rare occasions when I feel like doing a few toes-to-bar, and I am being especially careful w/WOD combos that combine burpees and flexion with high rep lifts per this recent interview with Dr. Stu McGill.

I continue to do decompression (hanging from the pull up rig, arm supports from tabletops, etc.) a few times a day, and that does help especially after sitting at work a lot or driving.  When I work from home I use a standing desk and alternate between sitting and standing.  I also continue with mobility work on glutes, hams, hip flexors, etc. though not as much as before.

Interestingly, I've had a few PT's and docs tell me over the last few months that I was wise not to go for a fusion at this stage.  No sense in starting the clock on further disc degeneration and with leg pain as the primary symptom, fusion didn't make sense at this point.  Hopefully it stays that way.

Anyway, I hope this blog is proving useful to those going through a similar journey.  I'll post an update over the summer.

Be well, fellow aging lumbar athletes!

#crossfit #weightlifting #spondylolisthesis


  1. I am struggling the same way you did. Can we talk or email each other? I have questions about your procedure.

  2. Hi Kathleen. Of course, happy to discuss further. Sent you a PM over Google+

  3. Thank you for thinking to write this blog! I've been doing crossfit for about three years and was just diagnosed with Grade 1 spondylolisthesis. The chiro told me I can never lift heavy again, and your blog is one of the only useful sources of info I've found so far. Thanks for including the helpful links, too.

    1. Georgia, thanks so much for commenting and I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Glad I could help at least in some small way. My advice - ask your chiro for evidence behind his opinion and seek out more than one opinion.

      As far as what to do in CrossFit and fitness, go by your pain level, and us it as a guide. Figure out what movements might irritate your spondy, but above all, don't compromise form for speed or just to Rx the WOD. It's not worth it if you can't come back to train another day. Let me know if you have more questions and good luck!

  4. Hi AF,

    From a UK spondy crossfitter!

    I found I had a grade 1 spondy four years ago and discovered cross fit just over a year ago. My back has been much better since I started cross fit but I hurt my back at weekend and am going to see osteopath today. He will say no cross fit I'm sure but overall the benefits outweigh the risks for me I feel.
    I'd appreciate it if I could email you on this and have someone going through something similar to communicate with about this.

    Kind regards,


  5. Thanks for the note Simon and sorry to hear about the recent injury. Not sure exactly what you did, but hope you received good news. Shoot me a message over Google+ and we'll get connected.

  6. Hello AthleteForever,

    I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask you if you can shoot me an email, that would be great. I also was diagnosed with spondy about 2 years ago and my training has been on and off.

    Thank You.
