Monday, January 7, 2019

Happy 2019!

Happy 2019 to all.  Sorry for the lack of posts here, but not much new to report, fortunately. 

I continue to lift and hit PR's, and in fact competed in 3 weightlifting meets in 2018!  I'm starting to believe that olympic lifting (snatches, cleanes, pulls) is actually strengthening my lower and mid back musculature to a point that it adds stability to my lower back.  That being said, I try to focus heavily on form, form, form before loading, as well as extra core work.  I still mostly avoid irritating movements (situps) but sometimes do T2B, and when I do burpees, I don't usually combine them with heavy lifts due to the possibility of fatigue leading to breakdown in midline stabilization. 

Very thankful that I can continue training and hope that I can continue to do so for a long time.  Sorry for the delay in updates and replies, but I hope that those of you out there dealing with spondy are thriving and improving as well!  Keep searching for answers and keep searching for experts - there are good PT's, coaches and docs out there who can help with this condition.
