Wanted to post this amazing article about back pain and treatment and the new thinking on it.
Clearly, the traiditional standbys of rest, surgery, injections and drugs aren't working for many back pain sufferers, but exercise, core strength and PT are.
It's a great read and great validation of the importance of staying active, staying strong and not just blindly following passive treatments. Certainly there are situations where surgery and injections can help and are needed (and in my case a decompression surgery was absolutely needed) but they shouldn't be the only treatment for anyone with lower back issues.
And, of course, what back pain article would be complete without a mention of Dr. Stu McGill, the spinal biomechanics expert, and his "Big 3" exercises? He is truly a well of knowledge for those of us with back issues and his research and exercises are back savers.
Anyway, enjoy the read and good luck with your spondy journey!